Door-to-Door Drug Education Across the World

With more drug-related violence today erupting in countries across the globe, one can aptly conclude that there is a void in the century-old “war on drugs.” Left with the remains of this costly battle are those professionals who meet the drug problem head on and those whose lives are devastated by drugs and drug-related crime.
Ill-equipped to effectively combat abuse and addiction before it starts, the real combatants in homes and schools are in dire need of reinforcement.
Knowing the power of education in this life or death struggle, volunteers from the Foundation for a Drug-Free World recently initiated a juggernaut offensive on drug abuse. In a two-day period—August 21-22—they distributed over 200,000 copies of The Truth About Drugs booklets internationally. From metropolitan centers to capital cities, and many regions large and small, they spread their message through more than 120 cities worldwide.
The Truth About Drugs forces weighed in heavily in Melbourne, Kaohsiung, Hamburg, Mexico City, London, Las Vegas, Rome and elsewhere. The Foundation for a Drug-Free World has pressed tirelessly since October 2006 on every front—employing its drug education DVDs, holding anti-drug marathons, delivering lectures and seminars to hundreds of thousands—all to broadly spread the truth about drugs and their harmful side effects.
The Foundation seeks to saturate the entire planet with effective, informative drug education, realizing full well that the battle will take many more weekends and many more hands. Further plans include augmenting The Truth About Drugs booklet distribution and in-class drug education efforts, through programs that equip individuals and families with information and materials to effectively prevent the onslaught of drugs in their homes, neighborhoods and schools.
This scourge affects everyone, so the Foundation for a Drug-Free World encourages people of all ages to get involved. Anyone can easily start by downloading the Foundation’s free Truth About Drugs publications.
Through effective education, broadly distributed free-of-charge, the Foundation seeks to make every street, a drug-free beachhead.